Olivia Snaije is a journalist and editor based in Paris. Her articles have been published in a variety of newspapers and magazines including Words Without Borders, The Guardian, New Lines Magazine, The Africa Report, and The New York Times. She was the editor of a books-related website, Bookwitty, is a former commissioning editor at Saqi Books as well as a former executive editor of Alef, a London-based cultural magazine about the Middle East. She was on staff at both Vanity Fair and CBC/Radio Canada in New York. She translated Lamia Ziadé’s Bye Bye Babylon (Jonathan Cape), and has written several books on Paris published by Dorling Kindersley and Flammarion. Editions Textuel (Paris) and Saqi Books (London) published Keep Your Eye on the Wall: Palestinian Landscapes, which she co-edited with Mitch Albert.